About Us

We Are Finacle Agency In India

SEVADHAN NIDHI LIMITED (SDNL) being a company registered under the Companies Act 2013, it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA.

A company declared as a Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Society registered under the section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Nidhi is have many features which make them stand distinctly apart from many other Non-Banking financial company who are working under the guide line of R.B.I

SEVADHAN NIDHI LIMITED (SDNL) has the rules and objectives of that are the same as a bank, but it is only in effect to someone (a members group) who has agreed or joined

About Us
10 Years Experience

Services We Provide

Microfinance is a way in which loans, credit, insurance, access to savings accounts, and money transfers are provided to small business owners and entrepreneurs in the underdeveloped parts of India. The beneficiaries of microfinance are those who do not have access to these traditional financial resources.


Know Us Better

Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but put the two together and you have an economic innovation that has become not just popular but downright chic. The innovation - microfinance - involves making small loans to poor entrepreneurs.

0 Cr +

Loan Disbursed

0 +

District Covered

00 K +

Happy Clients

00 +

Winning Awards

What Customers Say

Microfinance is an idea whose time has come.