Daily Business Loan

Daily Business Loan

Terms & Conditions:-
  1. The loan period will be for three or six months only.
  2. The loan amount will be maximum of Rs. 100,000.
  3. A person having daily income will be admissible for D.L.S.
  4. The borrower must have saving account with SEVADHAN NIDHI LIMITED (SDNL).
  5. The loan will be paid back by daily installments only.
  6. The loan is for small businessmen
Documents Requirements for all Applicants:-
  • Application form duly filled in (with photograph of the entire applicant).
  • Residence and Age verification, which may be established from the PAN card, Election ID, Passport, Drivers license and Ration card etc.
  • Security / Guarantee details.
  • Copy of NA permission.
  • One/two guarantor/s form/s and also the SNDL member certificates. - If guarantor is in business, copies of I.T. returns or assessment orders for the last three years are required.
  • Bank Pass-book of statements for the last one year.
  • Certified copies of IT return, copy of Fd or any of the saving scheme/ vikas patra/ Bonds etc.
  • Stamp paper as per the SDNL.
Have Any Questions? Call Us Today! +91 9314512939